For Investors by Nvestors

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Know Your Rights: 10 Essential Landlord-Tenant Laws Every Landlord Must Master

Finding a new renter might be a simple procedure, but learning the ins and outs of landlord-tenant legislation can be challenging. And even if you know the rules, they're subject to change. That's why it's important to stay up to date with the rules in your area on a frequent basis.

The best method to learn about rental regulations is to speak with an attorney, but this article provides a deeper look at eleven landlord-tenant statutes that every landlord should investigate. 

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What is a Mid-Term Rental and Why You Should Consider It for Your Property Portfolio

Finding the optimal method of portfolio diversification can be challenging due to the wide variety of available investment vehicles. Some investors favor Airbnb-style short-term rentals, while others prefer a more traditional long-term approach. Nonetheless, there is another option that has been less popular in the past but is quickly expanding as investors realize a new and lucrative opportunity: short- to medium-term rentals. This emerging market has a lot of potentials because it combines the best features of short-term rentals and housing for long-term tenants. What follows are the keys to long-term success in investing in rental property.

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What Is A DSCR Loan

 A DSCR loan is underwritten using property-level cash flow as opposed to personal income, unlike a consumer or owner-occupied home mortgage but similar to a commercial real estate mortgage. Debt-Service Coverage Ratio, often known as DSCR, is a metric used by lenders to assess a borrower's capacity to repay a loan based on the property's monthly rent. To calculate the DSCR divide the monthly rent by the monthly principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and association dues to arrive at the DSCR, a more straightforward way to assess cash flow (PITIA). 

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